Live Shows

We aren’t stopping until everyone hears.

Our live shows provide a unique opportunity to present the gospel to people who might not attend a church service or Bible study. From prison shows in the Dominican Republic to college chapels, summer camps, youth groups, and more, we're taking the stage and blowing minds with our awe-inspiring magic and illusions, all while sharing the good news of Jesus. It's a powerful combination that leaves our audience in awe, but here's the thing—they're not just faces in the crowd to us. Each one has a story, a journey, and a heart that God deeply loves.

Our magic shows hold the key to unlocking doors that seem impossible to reach. Imagine stepping into Muslim refugee communities or walking through the gates of a prison. These places might seem off-limits, but guess what? We go there, creating unparalleled connections and touching lives with the message of hope that Jesus brings.

So buckle up, my friend, because we're breaking barriers, defying expectations, and spreading the love of Jesus in the most extraordinary ways. Together, let's embark on this adventure of a lifetime, where no location is off-limits, and no heart is beyond the reach of God's amazing grace.

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